Monday, 11 May 2009

Moonwalk minus 5 days

I was in work today, but only doing 3 ½ days this week, using up annual leave to prepare my body for a night without sleep.

I walked the mile in and the mile out, that’s all the walking I needed for today. I still have two sore bits on my feet which I’m hoping won’t be too troublesome on the night, the rest should be healed up come Saturday. I hope.

I sent an email round work asking for sponsorship and had a really good response. I’m only about £25 off my target, which I didn’t think I’d reach. I’m really pleased and it’s motivated me even more to think how generous people are being.

The only downer for today was that the Tamils kicked off AGAIN in Parliament Square. That’s the 4th time they’ve shut off the Square in as many weeks, and I had to walk back to the station a different way as Whitehall was just covered in bottles and clothing and stuff that had been thrown everywhere. I sincerely hope they don’t kick off on Saturday night as I don’t want to be diverted and have to walk further than I need to. They tend to kick off with no warning either so I hope the organisers have contingency plans in place.

On the way home from work I popped in to Tesco, Amanda had told me about some glo-stick bracelets they were selling off. I found 4 bracelets and 2 glo-sticks, all in pink. Haven’t used glo-sticks in years! I also bought some nurofen express and some antiseptic wipes for when I’ve burst my blisters – the last few bits for my bumbag.

I finished sticking the tiles on my bra tonight. I had to put it on to work out what was missing so I spent the first half of 24 lying on the floor with glued tiles drying on me, with my feet in a bowl of salt water. I’m sure this wasn’t in the small print when I joined up.

I’m in two minds whether to put the belly dancing coins around the bottom of my bra or not, it would mean more of my stomach was covered but if I make a hash of the stitching it could irritate my skin,

I think that’s it, I’m good to go now.

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