Woo hoo, I’ve broken in to the double digits!!
It wasn’t too successful mind, took me 3 hours. But that might have something to do with the copious amounts of alcohol consumed the previous night and the lack of sleep due to the ridiculous hour I went to bed. I will NOT be making that mistake again! Seriously, I completely underestimated the effect that alcohol has on your body so far after the event and I felt like I’d been run over when I got back in yesterday. I am not touching the stuff for the whole week before the walk, and not before any of the longer training walks either. Consider my lesson learnt.
Anyway, enough of the moaning. I walked on the Monday as I was busy Saturday, it was the husbands birthday Sunday, and we had Monday off work. I got togged up in my new Pineapple jacket and sports top I landed in the Debenhams sale (result) and headed out on what was a lovely sunny day. I’d plotted a route around the outskirts of Ashford, through places I’d not been to before so I was looking forward to exploring. I did get lost less than 1.5 miles in when I realised I’d gone down the wrong road, so had to find my way back to the right one and stand on a corner studying my map for a few minutes before I got my bearings and worked out where I was headed next. Once out of the housing estates I walked along a couple of nice long country lanes, it was so sunny and peaceful, it was lovely. I switched my ipod off for half hour to enjoy the silence. I also got a chance to practice some proper power walking cause no one could see me LOL. About halfway round I was starting to struggle, the sun was hot, I was tired and I started to run out of water, I couldn’t believe I had the same again to go. But then I had to go over a footbridge to cross a dual carriageway and was rewarded with an amazing view of the whole of Ashford and the surrounding fields. That spurred me on a bit, as did the bottle of lucozade I got from the newsagents. Then I was back in the housing estates and putting places to road signs, which was nice. I walked all round the industrial area at the back of the railway station so that was interesting seeing as I see the front twice a day. As I came round to the front I took a detour to the Designer Outlet to get some more water and visit some proper toilets. Then it was just the last push home. And a push it was, but I made it. Unfortunately my pedometer hadn’t measured my distance properly so I only have walkjogrun to rely on in terms of distance covered, according to that I did 10.75 miles and it took me 3 hours 5 minutes. I think I can probably add on 0.25 miles to cover detours and getting lost, which would make it 11 miles. Hmmm, not too bad, but not good either.
Things I learnt today, other than alcohol is evil, is don’t put fizzy drinks in your water bottle. They fizz over, run all down your bottle and get all over your hands, then you have a sticky bottle and sticky hands. Won’t be making that mistake again. Also, keep an eye on your pedometer. There is nothing more demoralising than knowing you’ve covered over 2 miles, and then realising your pedometer has flipped upside down and has measured 0.3 miles for you. Aaaaaaah!!
So overall, not a real successful walk. But I’ve broken the mental barrier of a double digit walk. The next mental barrier is to do more than 13.2 miles which is half of the 26.3, and the 14 miler is scheduled for a fortnights time, so I have that to look forward to.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Wednesday 25th March
I nearly didn't make todays planned 5 mile walk. I was working from home today as I was waiting for our new sofa to be delivered (after 2 weeks without one) so was chained to the house for most of the day (8-6 delivery - how helpful). The sofa came just after 2, but up until then it had alternated between brief sunny spells and prolonged periods of absolutely chucking it down, oh and a quick hail storm for good luck. I decided I would finish work at 4 and go for a walk, but it was raining again at 4, my feet were sore, and I just couldn't be bothered. I decided to watch ER instead. But then ER finished and my husband still hadn't left work - we have a 2 hour commute and I knew it wouldn't take me that long to walk 5 miles. I looked out the window, and apart from the sun going down, it looked like a lovely evening. And although I'd already talked myself out of it, I decided to get walking. I think I must be ill or something, if I can find an excuse, I usually do.
So I togged up and set off. I realised that this is the first walk I have done since 'official training' started that I have done on my own. I've usually been walking at someone else's pace, or having a conversation on the way round. It's boring on your own isn't it? Thank god for Scott Mills podcasts, although laughing out loud when walking through residential streets is like, so like, not cool. I headed through Great Chart whilst it was still light (it's quite country lanish) and then back on to the main road. Then I turned left into Godinton housing estate. I'd never been past the chinese or the pub before, but it goes miles back and there were some of the biggest new build houses I have even seen up there (this is Ashford, all the houses are new build). By this time it was pitch black and absolutely freezing so I think that made me walk a bit faster. I then headed back to the main road on a big loop and headed home down a longer main road, and back to mine. I walked 5.4 miles in 1 hour and 18 minutes, which makes about a 14.5 minute mile. How pleased am I? Not sure I could keep it up for 26, but it's fastest I've walked so far.
My feet are covered in lots of little blisters, with particularly sore ones on my right little toe and one right between my big toe and the one next to it. Surprisingly the huge blister on the bottom of my foot isn't giving me too much trouble, and seems to be healing ok.
I got in the bath when I got home, just as my husband got home. Then as it was so late and I hadn't cooked tea (bad wife) we got a takeaway and settled on our new sofa to watch The Apprentice.
So I togged up and set off. I realised that this is the first walk I have done since 'official training' started that I have done on my own. I've usually been walking at someone else's pace, or having a conversation on the way round. It's boring on your own isn't it? Thank god for Scott Mills podcasts, although laughing out loud when walking through residential streets is like, so like, not cool. I headed through Great Chart whilst it was still light (it's quite country lanish) and then back on to the main road. Then I turned left into Godinton housing estate. I'd never been past the chinese or the pub before, but it goes miles back and there were some of the biggest new build houses I have even seen up there (this is Ashford, all the houses are new build). By this time it was pitch black and absolutely freezing so I think that made me walk a bit faster. I then headed back to the main road on a big loop and headed home down a longer main road, and back to mine. I walked 5.4 miles in 1 hour and 18 minutes, which makes about a 14.5 minute mile. How pleased am I? Not sure I could keep it up for 26, but it's fastest I've walked so far.
My feet are covered in lots of little blisters, with particularly sore ones on my right little toe and one right between my big toe and the one next to it. Surprisingly the huge blister on the bottom of my foot isn't giving me too much trouble, and seems to be healing ok.
I got in the bath when I got home, just as my husband got home. Then as it was so late and I hadn't cooked tea (bad wife) we got a takeaway and settled on our new sofa to watch The Apprentice.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Saturday 21st March
Due to Wednesday's blister shenanigans, I decided to skip Friday's 5 mile walk. I knew I had to do 8 miles at the weekend and didn't want to risk making the blister really bad and missing the longer of the two walks.
This weekend I am visiting my mum for Mothers Day so I decided to do the 8 miles on the Saturday once we got here, leaving Sunday free for family duty as we were going out for a meal with my mum and grandparents.
I plotted an 8.4 mile walk on walkjogrun, going along a lot of the roads I used to travel to and from college a good few years ago, and through some of the housing estates that my friends used to live on, I have to say, not a lot has changed in 10 years. Before I set off, mum decided she wanted to come with me. She goes on a few walking holidays but they stroll around and have regular breaks. I explained that it was a power walk, I wouldn't be stopping and wouldn't be slowing down too much but she was adamant. To be fair, she kept up at a reasonable pace for the first half of the walk. Being in Derbyshire, there are lots of hills, some particularly vicious so that slowed me down anyway. Halfway round we went past a Tesco Express, which sits at the bottom of the steepest hill on the route. I bought myself a creme egg and when I got to the top, I ate it as a reward LOL.
Three quarters of the way round my mum really started to struggle. I had spent the last 2 miles walking, stopping, waiting for her to catch up and walking off again. Just after 7 miles we went up another hill and mum had to stop and have a rest. I suggested she rang for a lift, which she did and got picked up from where she stood. I zipped along the last 1.2 miles, and in the end I had done 8.9 miles. It took 2 hours 35 minutes, but considering I'd spent a large amount of time walking slowly, stopping and walking up killer hills, it wasn't too bad - but I would have liked to have completed it a bit faster. But it was nice of mum to come along, and for someone of 63, she did a damn good job to be fair.
When I got back I went in the bath and inspected the damage. I'd gone in my cheap trainers and TWO pairs of 1000 mile socks. But it appeared to do the trick. My big blister was sore, I aggravated a couple of the smaller ones, but I had NO NEW BLISTERS!!! I also worked out a way to stop me drinking too much water (I have a bladder the size of a marble), eat Polos. They are really refreshing in your mouth - definitely going on my survival pack for the night.
This weekend I am visiting my mum for Mothers Day so I decided to do the 8 miles on the Saturday once we got here, leaving Sunday free for family duty as we were going out for a meal with my mum and grandparents.
I plotted an 8.4 mile walk on walkjogrun, going along a lot of the roads I used to travel to and from college a good few years ago, and through some of the housing estates that my friends used to live on, I have to say, not a lot has changed in 10 years. Before I set off, mum decided she wanted to come with me. She goes on a few walking holidays but they stroll around and have regular breaks. I explained that it was a power walk, I wouldn't be stopping and wouldn't be slowing down too much but she was adamant. To be fair, she kept up at a reasonable pace for the first half of the walk. Being in Derbyshire, there are lots of hills, some particularly vicious so that slowed me down anyway. Halfway round we went past a Tesco Express, which sits at the bottom of the steepest hill on the route. I bought myself a creme egg and when I got to the top, I ate it as a reward LOL.
Three quarters of the way round my mum really started to struggle. I had spent the last 2 miles walking, stopping, waiting for her to catch up and walking off again. Just after 7 miles we went up another hill and mum had to stop and have a rest. I suggested she rang for a lift, which she did and got picked up from where she stood. I zipped along the last 1.2 miles, and in the end I had done 8.9 miles. It took 2 hours 35 minutes, but considering I'd spent a large amount of time walking slowly, stopping and walking up killer hills, it wasn't too bad - but I would have liked to have completed it a bit faster. But it was nice of mum to come along, and for someone of 63, she did a damn good job to be fair.
When I got back I went in the bath and inspected the damage. I'd gone in my cheap trainers and TWO pairs of 1000 mile socks. But it appeared to do the trick. My big blister was sore, I aggravated a couple of the smaller ones, but I had NO NEW BLISTERS!!! I also worked out a way to stop me drinking too much water (I have a bladder the size of a marble), eat Polos. They are really refreshing in your mouth - definitely going on my survival pack for the night.
Wednesday 18th March
Today I did another walk on my lunch break - although rather a long lunch break it was - god bless flexi time!!
One of my members of staff had volunteered to come out on a walk with me one time so I asked him if he was up for it as my husband was working from home. It was a beautiful day so he came along. The training plan said to do 5 miles, but the route we chose was 5.8 miles. We went from work, and all the way along to Albert Bridge. I've never been that far down before and Albert Bridge is really pretty - I wonder if we cross it on the night? On the other side of the bridge we headed back through Battersea Park, behind Battersea Power Station and all the way back to Lambeth Bridge before crossing back over to work. We did the 5.8 miles in 1 hour 40, so still a bit on the slow side, but I had to stop a couple of times because of blisters. When I finished my walk on Sunday I had a blister the size of a 2p on the underneath of my heel, it was one of those that goes inside your foot rather than swells up on the outside, so as I'm getting used to having blisters, I didn't give it much thought. But by the time I had finished this walk, it had spread to 2/3rds the size of my heel. By the time it came to leaving work I had to burst it because it was impossible to walk on, then I had to get the bus for the mile up to the station - the shame! Ironically, it's been the blister on the side of my little toe that has been giving me the most pain since.
One of my members of staff had volunteered to come out on a walk with me one time so I asked him if he was up for it as my husband was working from home. It was a beautiful day so he came along. The training plan said to do 5 miles, but the route we chose was 5.8 miles. We went from work, and all the way along to Albert Bridge. I've never been that far down before and Albert Bridge is really pretty - I wonder if we cross it on the night? On the other side of the bridge we headed back through Battersea Park, behind Battersea Power Station and all the way back to Lambeth Bridge before crossing back over to work. We did the 5.8 miles in 1 hour 40, so still a bit on the slow side, but I had to stop a couple of times because of blisters. When I finished my walk on Sunday I had a blister the size of a 2p on the underneath of my heel, it was one of those that goes inside your foot rather than swells up on the outside, so as I'm getting used to having blisters, I didn't give it much thought. But by the time I had finished this walk, it had spread to 2/3rds the size of my heel. By the time it came to leaving work I had to burst it because it was impossible to walk on, then I had to get the bus for the mile up to the station - the shame! Ironically, it's been the blister on the side of my little toe that has been giving me the most pain since.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Sunday 15th March
Me and my husband had a lovely walk around the grounds of Leeds Castle today. It was a beautiful morning so we got kitted up and made our way up the motorway. Our annual tickets had expired so we had to buy new ones, along with most of Kent judging by the queues.
The first part of the walk mostly consisted of getting stuck behind big groups and avoiding small children careering round on little trikes. Yes, I am one of those people I used to pity who just couldn't slow down enough to appreciate the beauty around them LOL. Oh well, I'll appreciate it next time we go.
Normally we do just stroll around the castle and gardens, so I didn't appreciate how short the paths are, usually it seems so long cause we walk so slowly. We went right round the back of the gardens, and then got back on to the path back when I realised I'd done just over a mile. So we climbed over a fence and went over to the far side of the lake and up into the fields on the other side. We walked just over a mile and then turned back as we weren't sure whether we were supposed to be up there or not. Then we took the long way back along the return path and headed back to the car.
In all, we walked 5.1 miles, which wasn't the 6 I was supposed to be doing, but there was a hell of a lot of hill walking in this one, and I did get out of breath a few times, so I'm going to say it's ok because it all helps towards my fitness.
Here's a photo I took before my battery ran out
The first part of the walk mostly consisted of getting stuck behind big groups and avoiding small children careering round on little trikes. Yes, I am one of those people I used to pity who just couldn't slow down enough to appreciate the beauty around them LOL. Oh well, I'll appreciate it next time we go.
Normally we do just stroll around the castle and gardens, so I didn't appreciate how short the paths are, usually it seems so long cause we walk so slowly. We went right round the back of the gardens, and then got back on to the path back when I realised I'd done just over a mile. So we climbed over a fence and went over to the far side of the lake and up into the fields on the other side. We walked just over a mile and then turned back as we weren't sure whether we were supposed to be up there or not. Then we took the long way back along the return path and headed back to the car.
In all, we walked 5.1 miles, which wasn't the 6 I was supposed to be doing, but there was a hell of a lot of hill walking in this one, and I did get out of breath a few times, so I'm going to say it's ok because it all helps towards my fitness.
Here's a photo I took before my battery ran out

Friday, 13 March 2009
Friday 13th March
Today I had to do a 4 mile walk. As I was walking from home I decided to go to my gym and match my pedometer (which I found) to the treadmill as I wasn't 100% sure I had my stride length right. So instead of doing 1 x 4 mile walk, I did 4 x 1 mile walks. I think I've got a stride length of 35 inches and I walk at around 5.8 - 6 kmph. I could walk faster than that, but I was trying to walk at a speed that I could keep up for more than 5 miles. The miles were taking me about 16.5 minutes each so I think that is a reasonable pace to keep up. I have nothing more to say about that walk, it was boring, treadmills are, but it was necessary evil to sort the stride length out on my pedometer.
I did this walk in cheap trainers but I didn't have any clean 1000 mile socks. And now I have a blister and burning in the soles of my feet. :-( but that goes to show that it isn't ALL the trainers fault and I might give them another chance...
Using my mathematical prowess, I reckon I could finish the 26.2 miles in 7.2 hours. Throw in another hour for toilet and food breaks, getting stuck behind people at the start and possibly throwing a 'I can't do it anymore' tantrum 3/4 of the way round, I reckon 8 hours is a reasonable goal. We shall see.
I did this walk in cheap trainers but I didn't have any clean 1000 mile socks. And now I have a blister and burning in the soles of my feet. :-( but that goes to show that it isn't ALL the trainers fault and I might give them another chance...
Using my mathematical prowess, I reckon I could finish the 26.2 miles in 7.2 hours. Throw in another hour for toilet and food breaks, getting stuck behind people at the start and possibly throwing a 'I can't do it anymore' tantrum 3/4 of the way round, I reckon 8 hours is a reasonable goal. We shall see.
Wednesday 11th March
Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays are now officially my walking days. Unless I have something planned on those days, in which case I will shift the walks around them. Hopefully I can stick to that. So on Wednesday I had to do a 4 mile walk.
I was in London so I did a round the river walk from the office up to Battersea Power station. 4.1 miles. I did the walk as one of the first that I did and it took me 1 hour and 15 minutes. I did the same walk again but this time I went the other way round and it took me 1 hour and 5 minutes. So that's an improvement already. Which is always nice to know.
I've not taken my camera on my walks recently as I've been trying to wear less layers to replicate the night of the walk a bit more. Meaning I've had less pockets to cram things in to. I'll probably take it on some of the longer walks but the shorter ones will be pictureless for now.
I forgot to take my pedometer again (in truth I'd misplaced it and just hadn't found it) and I did it in cheap trainers but with 1000 mile socks and got no blisters.
I was in London so I did a round the river walk from the office up to Battersea Power station. 4.1 miles. I did the walk as one of the first that I did and it took me 1 hour and 15 minutes. I did the same walk again but this time I went the other way round and it took me 1 hour and 5 minutes. So that's an improvement already. Which is always nice to know.
I've not taken my camera on my walks recently as I've been trying to wear less layers to replicate the night of the walk a bit more. Meaning I've had less pockets to cram things in to. I'll probably take it on some of the longer walks but the shorter ones will be pictureless for now.
I forgot to take my pedometer again (in truth I'd misplaced it and just hadn't found it) and I did it in cheap trainers but with 1000 mile socks and got no blisters.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Back from my jollies and ready to get cracking
Well I am officially ‘in training’. I have received my pack with all the info in it. The 12 week training plan started on 23rd February, but I was in Malaysia on my jollies. As I have been walking 3 or 4 miles a couple of times a week up until I went away I figured I was ok to miss off the first week as that was only 3 mile walks anyway. But then the 2nd week didn’t get off to a flying start, I missed my first scheduled walk due to a migraine – which I think was just the jet lag etc catching up with me. But I managed a four mile walk round Ashford last Thursday. It took me a while because I was still on holiday sauntering mode, and not manic London mode. Then on Sunday, I picked up a fellow Moonwalker, Diane, and we went to Chartham to follow this route
Now it says 5 miles, but according to Diane’s pedometer it was just under 7 (I forgot to take mine). We went wrong a couple of times due to the lack of clear instructions, but we only went ½ mile out maximum. Nevermind, every little helps and it was an extra 2 miles on the total.
So I start with a vengeance this week, with a 10 week countdown to work through. I am also going to make an effort to do some stretching like it says in the training plan, and I desperately need to get back to my pilates class as the time off for my holiday is playing havoc with my bad back. So I’d like to get a couple of pilates sessions done a week but I just need more hours in the day.
I’m also overweight and a classic yo-yo dieter, so I’m taking the next 10 weeks to follow the Paul McKenna weightloss plan. I’ve bought the book and the 90 day journal, so obviously it will run for a couple of weeks after the walk, but that’s fine. So long as I look presentable in a bra on the night it will all be hunky dory. Ish.
So in my head, by the time I’ve finished the walk (and recovered) I should be a lean, mean, walking machine. In reality, we may have to see how it goes.
Now it says 5 miles, but according to Diane’s pedometer it was just under 7 (I forgot to take mine). We went wrong a couple of times due to the lack of clear instructions, but we only went ½ mile out maximum. Nevermind, every little helps and it was an extra 2 miles on the total.
So I start with a vengeance this week, with a 10 week countdown to work through. I am also going to make an effort to do some stretching like it says in the training plan, and I desperately need to get back to my pilates class as the time off for my holiday is playing havoc with my bad back. So I’d like to get a couple of pilates sessions done a week but I just need more hours in the day.
I’m also overweight and a classic yo-yo dieter, so I’m taking the next 10 weeks to follow the Paul McKenna weightloss plan. I’ve bought the book and the 90 day journal, so obviously it will run for a couple of weeks after the walk, but that’s fine. So long as I look presentable in a bra on the night it will all be hunky dory. Ish.
So in my head, by the time I’ve finished the walk (and recovered) I should be a lean, mean, walking machine. In reality, we may have to see how it goes.
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