Friday, 19 December 2008


I have done no training now for a couple of weeks. I've been got by the lurgy. I've had the most vicious sore throat and I've completely lost my voice. Also, getting even slightly out of breath starts me off on a marathon coughing fit, and going out in the cold does the same. So going out in the cold to get out of breath would just be stupid really wouldn't it!

I've been doing my usual walk to and from work though. I tracked that on WalkJogRun and it is just short of a mile - which if you include walking from the door of my building to my desk, and getting along the train platform, is probably just over a mile. And I do this twice a day, four times a week (I try and work from home one day a week).

Other than that, I've probably gone backwards. But I'm going to start making a concerted effort in the New Year to ramp up the training, and I'm going to start wearing my pedometer all day long, not just on walks, just to see how far I actually walk.

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