Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Strolling around and drinking chai latte

So not much training then!

Last Saturday I went out for a wander with my husband on the seafront at Hythe. This wasn’t a training walk as we weren’t walking fast, but we did do 2.5 miles. I also did it in my cheapy trainers and had no side effects at all. So now I’m torn, do I walk in my cheap trainers and risk making my ankles worse (I am going to go to the doctors about them when I get back off my hols) but not suffer the instant side effects of blisters. Or do I continue in the trainers that make me walk properly, but make myself miserable by ending each (short at the moment) walk in pain. I know which one I’m leaning towards at the moment, it’s just whether it’s a good idea in the long run. Ho hum.

Here is the obligatory photo of the seafront as we walked along it.

And on Sunday I went to meet Diane and Amanda, fellow first time Moonwalkers from Kent. We added another to our ranks, Sam came along to meet us as well, and as she did it two years ago, we spent most of the time picking her brains. It was really nice to chat about it without boring the other person (I can see the glazed look that crosses my husband’s eyes occasionally). And I think once I get back off my holiday, it’s going to sink in pretty rapidly about exactly what I’ve let myself in for!!

Saturday, 7 February 2009

A few little walks under the belt

I've done a couple of small walks recently, but lack of time and the recent weather have been thwarting my efforts.

I did 1.5 miles round the river, from my nearest bridge to the next and back, on a couple of lunchtimes. I was still seeing off the remains of the last blister and on each occasion I came back with a sore area around the blister, but probably only because it was sticking out IYSWIM.

Thursday night I walked from work to Primark (cheap tops needed for my hols), I went via St James's, Green and Hyde Parks which meant there weren't too many people getting in my way. I didn't think it through though as I work from home on Fridays so had to do the 2.7 miles with a rucksack on my back containing my laptop, leads and paperwork, and boy did I feel it towards the end.

This was my route, it took me 45 minutes, but I had a heavy rucksack and seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time at traffic lights.
I had done just under 4000 steps when I got to Primark. But then I forgot to take off my pedometer, and by the time I had got back to my house in Ashford I'd done over 7500, which was a bit of a surprise. The side of my foot was a bit sore, but that may have something to do with the fact I had lost my temper with the residing blister and burst it and pulled the skin off. Oops. But a new one hadn't formed. Yay. I did also have that burning feeling in the balls of my feet when I got off the train, so I'm not sure if that is to do with the new liners, but if I have to wear 2 pairs of 1000 mile socks, then that's what I'll have to do.
Here are the mandatory pictures. One of the remains of snowmen left in St James Park
One of the frozen lake in St James. Not a sight you will see very often.Then as I was waiting at a crossing between Green Park and Hyde Park I turned round and realised what a nice picture the arch made, and then realised that I look at all the lovely views in front of me but forget the ones behind me. Note to self - turn round more often LOL.